Oct 21, 2011

MM's face a few questions

1. How is scrap accounted in subcontracting?

2. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?

3. How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?

4. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?

5. What is LSMW?

6. What is the difference between LSMW and CATT?

7. How to give specifications for developments?

8. How do you make variants?
9. How to inventory excise duty in SAP?

Oct 20, 2011

Invoice Receipt as Part of the Procurement Process

Invoice Receipt as Part of the Procurement Process:
a) ERP is a real-time reflection / reproduce the practical flow, financial flow ofinformation systems, so the learning process of the ERP, while attention to these two aspects, while ERP itself is information flow, in series flow and financial flowfrom the practice .
Practice / billing migration: to the supplier's purchase orders on behalf of the company's hopes PO suppliers the right to transfer the goods to the company, andfunds will be transferred to the company, receiving the supply of storage on behalf ofthe formal right to move the goods transferred to the company, and here's the officialcompany invoice entry represents the transfer of funds to the supplier, so thepurchase order is a simple starting point for the procurement process, and invoice entry is the end
c) storage of course, practice does not necessarily represent the receipt of transfer of rights in goods, think about the course description section of suppliersConsignment (Vendor Consignment) of cargo, in-kind in the company, the goodsstill belong to the right supplier , real on-line use after the transfer of the company's own stock -
d) Similarly, it does not mean after the invoice entry on the transfer of funds to the supplier, and most companies are regularly carried forward (Kisaragi end, quarterknot, half knot), etc., so when the receipt of the invoice will record a pen accounts payable (AP), then the time of actual payment in cash / bank deposits to offset theamount of accounts payable (AP).
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e) Invoice Verification (Invoice Verification) is to let you input the invoice information,and generate credit records (that owe money to) function will also check whether the price is right.
f) Invoices, it will also generate invoices in SAP document (Invoice document) and accounting documents (Accounting document).
g) Invoice Verification (Invoice verification) does not include invoice payments and assessment, where the message will be passed to other departments for further processing. Invoice Verification (Invoice verification) is a materials managementand internal / external accounting interface.
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h) When an invoice with reference to purchase order PO input, the system will be the PO information (such as vendor, item, quantity, payment terms) as therecommended values ​​into. If invoice information and PO is not the same, you canreplicate these recommended value, the system checks whether the information isto allow replication of these, in the inspection process, there will be warning / errormessages pop up if you want to replicate the PO have conflicting information andplace, the system will prevent the payment of the invoice (depending on system configuration).
i) The following diagram is a typical invoice, and should contain the information.
j)        If possible, invoices should reference the purchase order PO entry and posting, sothe advantage of the system can be PO, GR on the number of fields such as the amount of the recommended value entry.
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4.      Demo : Invoice Entry
3 h' I& E4 z! V9 s. T0 ia)      Invoice Entry
c)       Enter the company code Company Code: 1000
When first run will be asked to enter the company MIRO code Company Code, the follow-up when entering the company code Company Code in the header (Header Data) of the basic data shown on the page, if you want to change, choose the menu bar Edit-> Switch company code that can be.
d)      Transaction – Invoice
9 m8 P" G# M" u, ?. o  le)      Enter the Invoice date (invoice date), enter the invoice amount, select the tax do not
f)       In PO Reference page, enter PO Number, Enter will automatically bring out the PO-related information. Save point after confirmation that the posting and generateInvoice Number8.jpg
+ m( f  }3 X  Ug)      If you enter the amount inconsistent with the amount of PO, the upper right corner of the Balance column shows the difference, and decide based on system settingssuch differences can be saved and posting