Oct 19, 2011

SAP on-line preparation stage of the individual summary

1 An on-line preparation, not to implement unilaterally the matter, we must pull togetherto do the customer.

2 verbally said things, not things, not conclusions, must be signed, lip, and after not admit too many people.

3 Work is work, my colleagues that my colleagues, private feelings go privatefeelings.

4 and the boss no matter how good the relationship, he is the boss, definitely notfriends.

5 explain a thing to two people, just did not explain, as is often said, "and there is adrink, pick two monks drink, three boys no boy."

6 as a project manager, the more you yield to consultants, the more trouble yourself,Who told you that the project manager.

7 Big Brother 7 abap consultants who are cattle people, friends to be careful to dobasis, the number of them to write a program guide, they will not consider the stress test, when the machine, the first time to find the basis, rather than abap (poor me - asmall basis)

8 to learn to say no, although the consultant in the first rule is, do not allow customers to say, is for pre-sales consultants, you have no right to say no.

9 must handle, the harmonious relationship between career and family, either thesuccessful career and family "game over" of the.

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